February 5, 2014
The Importance of Health and Physical Education
Fitzpatrick, D. A. (1997). Inclusive physical education: Teachers make it happen. Journal CAHPERD, 63(3), 4-9. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/214327233?accountid=7374 This article discusses the importance of inclusion and how to implement it into physical education. “Inclusive physical education is based upon the zero reject principle, meaning that the program has a goal to meet the needs of all students regardless of the type of severity of disability” (Fitzpatrick, 1997, 4). Inclusion is a hard component to implement in physical education class. However, with the proper knowledge, guidance, proper staff support inclusivity can be an obtainable goal. “Teachers who apply the principles and philosophy of inclusive physical education are strong developmentalists who have a solid understanding of growth and development, motor behavior and pedagogical principles” (Fitzpatrick, 1997, 8).
This education article is from the scholarly journal, CAPHERD. In addition, the article uses references and quotes from different scholarly journals in the article.
Pellegrini, A. D., & Bohn, C. M. (2005). The role of recess in children's cognitive performance and school adjustment. Educational Researcher, 34(1), 13-19. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/216899660?accountid=7374 This article contains information about recess and why it should be implemented in schools. Sometimes educators view recess or free time as a distraction away from educational learning. However, studies have proven that recess can help with student’s cognitive skills. “Relationships with peers and social skills often develop in the context of social games with peers, such as tag, soccer, and jump rope games” (Pellegrini, & Bohn, 2005,18). In addition, recess increases student’s physical activity, which can help reduce the