Ametra Heard
HCA417: Electronic Medical Records
Instructor Karen Bakuzonis
June 9, 2014
Where’s My Chart?
The changes in medical records have altered tremendously over the past decade. The most significant change was the merging of paper medical records to electronic medical records. However, there is still room for necessary improvement and upgrades. Electronic Medical Records are thought to improve certain areas in the deliverance of healthcare services. With current situations, not all healthcare facilities have converted to or adopted the use of Electronic Medical Records. The failure to adopt or convert to Electronic Medical Records brings about incidents and stories similar to that of the real-life story of “Where’s My Chart?” written in the textbook entitled Electronic Medical Records by Richard Gartee. The prominent answer to “Where’s My Chart?” is the adoption and implementation of Electronic Medical …show more content…
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Gabriel, M. H., Furukawa, M. F., Jones, E. B., King J., Samy, L. K. (2013 September). The Implementation and Use of Electronic Health Records to Achieve Meaningful Use and Critical Access Hospitals. ONC Data Brief, No. 12. Washington, DC: Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. Retrieved from
Holdren, J. P., Lander, E., Varmus, H., and et al. (2010 December). Report to the President Realizing the Full Potential of Health Information Technology To Improve Healthcare for Americans: The Path Forward. Executive Office of the President, Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Retrieved from: