Stage 1 of The Meaningful Use rule, or Meaningless Use rule as many named it, is the only stage that is currently enacted and contains three objectives. Only one objective is patient-facing. This objective requires the patient to be supplied with an electronic copy of their health information, which may include diagnostic test results, problem list, medication list, and allergies (2).
The issue with this objective is that if there is a collaborative hospital/provider practice such as Barnes Hospital and Washington University they each have patient portals. If a patient has a
Bibliography: (1) Hussain, MD, MHA, Anwar A. "Meaningful Use of Information Technology: A Local Prospective." Annals of Internal Medicine 154.10 (2011): 690-92. Academic Search Premier. Olin Library, Washington University. 20 Feb. 2012 (2) Ahern, PhD, David K., "Promise of and Potential for Patient-Facing Technologies to Enable Meaningful Use." American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2nd ser. 1.40 (2011): S162-172. Academic Search Premier. Olin Library, Washington University. 20 Feb. 2012 (3) O 'Malley, MD, MPH, Ann S. "Tapping the Unmet Potential of Health Information Technology." The New England Journal of Medicine 364.12 (2011): 1090-091. Academic Search Premier. Olin Library, Washington University. 20 Feb. 2012. (4) Crosson, PhD, Jesse C., "Early Adopters of Electronic Prescribing Struggle to Make Meaningful Use of Formulary Checks and Medication History Documentation." The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 25.1 (2012): 24-32. Academic Search Premier. Olin Library, Washington University. 20 Feb. 2012.