Chapman, Steve. “Despite the President’s Pandering, White Nationalists Are Still Losing.”,, 17 Aug. 2017 Accessed 21, Aug. 2017 This article talks about the protest that had occurred in Charlottesville. White nationalists march into the Dallas Public Park in Virginia to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. In this article Steve Chapman brings up history. Going as far back to the system of monarchy. He points out how the British King and Parliament takes huge and minor actions without any reasoning. “That is rarely how the evils of this world are undone.” He also discusses about the birth of the United
Chapman, Steve. “Despite the President’s Pandering, White Nationalists Are Still Losing.”,, 17 Aug. 2017 Accessed 21, Aug. 2017 This article talks about the protest that had occurred in Charlottesville. White nationalists march into the Dallas Public Park in Virginia to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. In this article Steve Chapman brings up history. Going as far back to the system of monarchy. He points out how the British King and Parliament takes huge and minor actions without any reasoning. “That is rarely how the evils of this world are undone.” He also discusses about the birth of the United