The Many Bodies of Mrs. Molly Marion Bloom
1. "The mimesis of metempsychosis in Ulysses" by Eric P. Levy (2002)
---- = thesis -Aquinas: Soul is body, there is no body without the soul, sould makes it exist as a body "...the soul itself if the principle of being, and therefore, once created, cannot not be." (2) -in this case, not subject to change or alteration -"As such, the soul (as defined in the Aristotelian-Thomist system) concerns a principle antiethical to the Joycean view of life as sequential "convulsions of metamorphosis." -focus: "the irony of metempsychosis" - "the irony of metempsychosis is that the fissure which is creates between past and present selves inhibits movement toward the next transformation." -metepsychosis is paradoxical in that in inhibits movement by soliciting reflection, but at the same time "activates the pull of the future" -ex: role of Rudy in bringing Stephen and Bloom together -metempsychosis exists in the split created by metamorphosis -metempsychosis as "the self as a mirror" (that can also reflect in a mirror) -"In Ulysses, to be conscious is to perceive in reality reflections of one's own perspective...and ultimately to move beyong the limitations of that perspective. This progression, as we shall see, is at the root of metempsychosis." (3) -Joyce on specular selfhood -beyond subjectivism -"In Stephen's case, in order for metempsychosis to achieve a new self, the old one must suffer agonizingly convulsice demise" (4) -metempsychosis as parallax (4) -dual nature of metempsychosis in Ulysses -"The need to perpetuate emotional identification with the past." (4) ** "In effect, that guilt about his mother itself becomes a surrogate mother, protecting him from the unknown responsibilities entrained by metempsychosis into manhood." -in other words, metempsychosis as vehicle
Paper idea: how Bloom uses Molly (in the form of objects) to propel him