March 30, 2009
Community Based Reintegration
Recidivism rates are very high and it is a serious problem that needs attention. Recidivism causes major problems in society, such as, prison overcrowding and crime overall. Community based reintegration is a program offered or required for an inmate getting ready to be released from prison. Through using community based reintegration, it lowers recidivism rates and educates those coming out of prison, which is a great crime prevention measure. The purpose of this research is to explain the benefits of community based reintegration. 1) Recidivism a) Problems with recidivism i. Each individual has his or her own motive for re-offending. b) Examples why offender re-offend ii. General strain theory - offenders commit crime to relieve their strain (Agnew, 2003). iii. Many people returned due to failure caused by low self-esteem. Causal factors that can lead individuals to commit crime are poor coping skills, lack of social supports, an education, and income. c) Changes that need to be made iv. Learn some of the triggers that may set-off the offender and make them want to re-offend. v. Teach the offender the difference between unrealistic expectations about society when they release from prison, in comparison to what is real. 2) Community based programs d) People involved with programs vi. There were many different people overseeing this policy to make sure it was carried out properly and that it was working effectively. vii. It will take people willing to help and give their time to help the offender succeed. e) Various areas of the programs viii. These types of programs are mechanisms working to prevent crime by the use of substance abuse treatments, literacy training, employment readiness training, and job placement assistance as well as by helping them find
References: 1. Agnew, R. (2003). A General Strain Theory of Crime and Delinquency. In F.T. Cullen & R. Agnew (Eds.), Criminological Theory: Past to Present (Essential readings) (2nd Ed.) (p. 208). Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing. 2. Cornish, D. B. & Clarke, R.V. (2003). Crime as a Rational Choice. In F.T. Cullen & R. Agnew (Eds.), Criminological Theory: Past to Present (Essential readings) (2nd Ed.) (p. 278). Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing. 3. Cullen, F. T. & Agnew, R. (2003). Reviving Classical Theory: Deterrence, Rational Choice, and Routine Activities Theories. In F.T. Cullen & R. Agnew (Eds.), Criminological Theory: Past to Present (Essential readings) (2nd Ed.) (p. 263). Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing. 4. Zhang, S. X., Roberts, R. E. L., & Callanan, V. J. (2006). Preventing parolees from returning to prison through community-based reintegration. Crime & Delinquency, 52, 551-571. Retrieved October 17, 2006 from