Each person is different so another common challenge knowing and using the appropriate assessment and diagnosis based on the individual’s needs.
Today, it is questionable if comorbidity in ASD even exists due to the presence of any symptoms of anxiety/depression. Therefore, it is important to know how much anxiety is a result of ASD and at what point it becomes a problem, in order to better help the individual.
A prototypic profile is a set of symptoms that would allow us to make a decision about whether that level of psychological symptom is solely within the ASD or above/beyond that level.
Even though children are usually referred for an initial diagnosis, teens and adults can also be referred for evaluation because of the need to diagnose people correctly with either ASD or other mental health conditions.
If an individual with ASD is high functioning and either achieved professional success or have maintained a relationship, that individual is usually …show more content…
Obtaining accurate background information is crucial because differences in childhood history can be used in understanding current behavior and establishing treatment.
Due to the difficulties that come with social situations such as introspection and interpretation, people with ASD have a hard time describing the emotions they deal with, which is why external sources are important. Therefore, it is important to explain the importance of obtaining additional information since it is a crucial part of the evaluation.
Intellectual disabilities are the most common comorbid condition for people with autism and should be evaluated. ID consists of 3 domains such as conceptual, social, and practical.
Matson, Wilkins, and Gonzalez created a scale (ASD-DA) to help tell the difference between individuals with autism and ID from individuals with only