Journal Article:
Cavan, R.S, 1983. The Chicago School of Sociology, 1918-1933. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Vol. 11, No.4, pg. 407 - 418.
The journal of Contemporary Ethnography focuses mainly on the years from 1918 to 1933 and the contributions in which the Chicago school has made during this time frame. Throughout the text it clearly mentions that they have specifically chosen this particular time period due to the fact that is shows the commencement of impartial research as well as the changeover between the founding years (Cavan, 1983). Throughout the above journal article there are a variety of areas which are mentioned, they include, the Chicago school, the methods and the department in the 1930’s as well as the precursor to the transition years (Cavan, 1983). By discussing these areas it allows for a better understanding of the Chicago school during these years to be developed.
The main contributing factor as to why the chosen article may be useful in understanding and answering the essay question is it allows for a better understanding of the topic at hand. When answering an essay question is it is key to have an understanding of the ideas about the Chicago school and how it came about. The chosen journal article allows for this while also giving us a further look at the contributions it has made to criminology. The research behind this journal article come from four renowned figure during the discussed time frame. The research produced by these four individuals, who have studied this area in-depth, is extremely helpful when trying to gain a better understanding of the Chicago school.
Brown, S, Esbensen, F and Geis, G 2010, Criminology: Explaining crime and its