To begin with, the genre Narrative, is a stories sequence of events. Chapter 1 of Kim, starts off by telling you exactly who “Kim” is and where he lives. That then leads to telling about Kim’s family background. Such as Kim’s mother being a Nurse-maid and his father was a colour-sergeant of the Mavericks. Kim who is outside, sees a man that looks different and learns that he is a Buddhist Lama. Kim and the Lama interact and Kim leads the Lama to the Curator. The Lama and the Curator meet and the lama tells the curator he is on a journey visiting the Four Holy Sites of Buddhism. The narrative in chapter 1 is very clear and understandable to follow to help you completely understand what is going on at all times throughout the chapter. …show more content…
In Kim Chapter 1, has many forms of imagery. Such as in the very beginning where the narrator is describing that Kim is a very poor white kid. Dressed in rags, running around town trying to blend in with the other kids. Another form of lyric is when the curator and the lama learned that the Buddha would shoot an arrow in the air to see if it lands up if he will be able to free himself. Lastly, another form of lyric within chapter 1 is Kim and the Lamas journey to the south. Before that journey starts, the lama is found outside the museum begging for food. Since Kim knows Lahore well he goes and gets the Lama food from a vegetable stand. The use of lyric is very important to readers as it allows you to picture in your head as you read what is going on throughout the