This concept is to "observe the service life of the equipment with a professional judgment and rate the assets physical deteriorations." (Walther, 2012) If the asset is $100,000, and salvage value is $10,000, 3 year life one year depreciation is $30,000 under straight-line and 66,660 in double declining, 33,000 for units-of-output as examples below.
| |Annual Depreciation Expense |Accumulated Depreciation |
|Year 1 |$30,000 |$30,000 |
|Year 2 | 30,000 | 60,000 |
|Year 3 | 30,000 | 90,000 |
Double Declining
| |Annual Depreciation Expense |Accumulated Depreciation |Illustrative Calculation |
|Year 1 |$66,660 |$66,660 |$100,000 x 66.66% |
|Year 2 | 22,224.44 | 88,884.44 |($100,000 - 66,660) x 66.66% |
|Year 3 | 7,409.63 | 96,294.07 |($100,00 - 88,884.44) x 66.66% |
Units of Output
| |Hours Used |Hourly Rate