One way of contracting anosmia is that of congenital anosmia where the individual has inherited a reduction or total lack of the sense of smell. A study by Assouline et al (1998) regarding two patients suffering from congenital anosmia found that growth regarding the olfactory fila seems to have been arrested prematurely between 7 to 16.5 weeks of gestation. It is considered to be extremely rare with only a small minority of approximately 0.01% suffering from congenital anosmia (Feldmesser, Bercovich, Avidan, Halbertal, Haim et al, 2007). To have congenital anosmia occur in a single member of a family is considered extremely rare and usually presents late (Vowles, et al, 1997). A case study done on a 5 year old girl by Vowles et al. (1997) demonstrated a case of congenital anosmia. While she showed an inability to differentiate between various concentrations of PEMEC sniff bottles, she showed no physical indication to explain her defective ability to smell. It is also shown in congenital anosmia that there is a absence or severe decrease in the individuals olfactory receptors, those that remained present however
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