1. Understand the factors that impact on an individual with sensory loss.
1.1. Analyse how a range of factors can impact on individuals with sensory loss.
There are a number of factors that can impact individuals with sensory loss.
In many cases sensory loss is hidden and people can be unaware an individual has sensory loss.
Communication is an area in which people with sensory loss have many issues. Normal day to day activities can cause them a great deal of stress and anxiety. For example if someone does not have a sensory loss they may enjoy watching television. Imagine if you could not hear what was begin said probably. The frustration that must be felt can lead to feelings of inadequacy. For someone who is unable to see the television. The can miss out on actions that are not spoken .For example someone smiling. We express facial expressions that allow to show how we are feeling. Imagine not being able to to tell by looking at someone you know if they are happy or not. This can lead a person feeling extremity frustrated
People with sensory loss can miss out on important information that people with out sensory loss take in day to day with out even realising. For example if we had an visual impairment we may not be able to read written material which is important to us such as a bank statement. A person with hearing loss could miss hear important Information such as someone shouting them to warn them of a danger.
The environment around a person with sensory loss can have a large impact on a person. For example if a a person parks a car on the curb instead of next to the curb. This can cause a person with visionary loss a great deal of distress. They may not be able to see the car and they could walk into the car causing them embarrassment and physical injury/pain.
All in all this factors can have a negative impact on their lives. Causing the individual to feel isolated, inadequate and frustrated.
1.2. Analyse how