1.1 - Communication is a two way process and is how a person will send a message and how a person will receive and understand the message. Communication is not only about the words used but the manner in which you use them. The main feature of two way communication is the flow of information from both ways. This process is called a communication cycle. Communication always has a purpose and this may be to pass on information or an idea, to express a need or want to persuade someone to do something, share confidential information and share or express emotions. A message coded is when an individual thinks about how they are going to say what they are thinking and decides in what form the communication is, this could be in spoken words or sign language. An individual will then put it into this form. A message understood is if the message has been communicated clearly and the other person has concentrated and there are no barriers to communication, the other person understands the message. They show they have understood by giving feedback. The stages of the communication cycle are repeated backwards and forwards as long as the conversation goes on.
1.2- Two way communications is important because it allows the sender to ensure that the receiver has received and understood the message being sent. It is a necessity to achieve understanding and knowledge. We communicate to facilitate a need. When there is a barrier to communication it can lead to isolation and feelings of being detached from society and losing contact with friends and family. Being isolated can lead to an individual becoming withdrawn and depressed. So even when someone has sensory loss there is always a way around it and messages can be sent back and for and receivers can also understand what has been said and clarify this if they don’t. people with sensory loss still need to feel included and through different forms of communication this can be done.
1.3- Within my job role I need to be