NVQ Title and Level: Health & Social Care QCF Diploma Level 5
Candidate Name:
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Unit numbers: 516
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Assignment/ Project
Personal Statement
In 2002 the government came up with a new idea called the ‘Every Child Matters Policy’ which was aimed at children from newborn to 19 years and 24 years if they have a disability. The policy had 5 main principles: 1 – To be healthy, 2 – To stay safe, 3 – To enjoy & achieve, 4 – To make a positive contribution, 5 – To achieve economic well being, which was to be remembered by people who work with children to give them the best start in life.
In 2004 the Children’s act was updated which was based on the Every Child Matters Policy. The Child Protection Policy explained that ALL children have the right to be protected from abuse no matter what gender, ethnicity, disability, beliefs or what sexuality they are. If any allegations or concerns were made regarding abuse to a child under the policy it was to be taken serious which may include the police and children services getting involved.
Safeguarding was introduced as the new term of Child Protection which also included prevention of abuse. The definition of safeguarding is that all parties take measures to ensure a child’s welfare and risk to harm is minimised. If there was concern of abuse then appropriate action is to be taken by all parties this working to local policies and procedures and The Safeguarding Act 2005.
Under The Every Child Matters Policy, 2004 Children’s Act and safeguarding Act 2005 practices were put in place for working with children to include treat equally with respect and dignity, To maintain safe and appropriate