Performance evidence record
N/SVQ/unit HSC 3
Candidates name _____________________________________________________________________________
Use this form to record details of activities (tick as appropriate)
Use this form to record details of activities (tick as appropriate)
Observed by your assessor ٱ
Seen by an expert witness ٱ
Seen by witness ٱ
Self reflective account ٱ
N.B. Your assessor may wish to ask you some questions relating to this activity. Ensure they are recorded in the appropriate box overleaf. The person who observed / witnessed your activity must sign and date overleaf.
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Date of activity:
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Unit ref
Element ref
PC ref
Performance evidence
Scope/range ref
u/stand ref
Carers should be encouraged to identify support that they require to help them fulfil their caring role. Both individuals and their carers need to be given the correct information they require to help them reach their own decisions and conclusions. you should not assume that people are in a position to ask for information they need. They may not be aware of the support there is for them and must be given the information
The range of services and facilities that individuals may want to use is large and varied and not always provided by health care services other services provided by commerce, industry and retail services will also be useful. once people have the information the next thing to do is to support them to use the services
This may involve supporting with forms and other paperwork.
The current local, UK and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for