The potential legal issue could be raising the price of the rent for residents for a specific amount because of the price of the construction and using a entirely different plan for the pool. They did not put in the original pool but use a cheaper supplies which in return could cause possible injuries. Moral issues that are relevant to this analysis are that the manager stated that the residents would be happy with just having a pool. He didn’t care about whether or not it was safe. Also he replaced the Sarah and replaced her with another therapist would had the same ideas about the pool that he did.
2How would you characterize the director’s behavior? The behavior of the director was performed without regard for the members of Acre Woods. The manager didn’t have any reguard for the residents or for their safety. Even after the minor slips and falls the manager still pushed aside the compliants of Sarah and the residents.
3. Is the director an ethical role model? Why or why not? This manager is not a ethical role model because he thinks its ok to tell residents one thing to get what he wants and then make changes to satisfy the needs of the company. The manger thinks its ok to tell residents that they are going to pay more money for a certain service and then give them something totally different. . This was evident when an unsafe pool was installed on the grounds. To pay for the pool rents were increased. These is not ethical behavior for a manager.
4. Were the director’s messages congruent with the organization’s stated mission? Explain your answer. The communication between manager and residents had nothing to do with the community's mission statement. The mission statement says "Its mission is to improve the quality of life of its residents through physical and emotional care.'' That means that the manager should ensure that the health care needs of the