Katrina Kearney
Statement of Opportunity
The statement of opportunity comes from the mission statement which is a statement of purpose of any organization. The organizational statement of opportunity for services provided for high school dropouts is that the organization will provide a staff that is knowledgeable in different fields which are required for high school dropouts to obtain the skills needed to gain employment, provided that the setting is safe and structured. In addition to not having any basic skills for even manual labor, they also lack basic reading and writing skills most times. With this in mind, offering education courses and tutoring in basic reading and writing, with the goals of getting the students ready to take a GED test or working towards a high school diploma.
Impact of Organizational Structure
People-professional staff, volunteers, board members are the life-lines of any organization. Organizations human resources represent the collective capabilities and experiences of its people. The behavior of a traditional dropout student has been based on social background and academic behaviors. What high schools do to push out or hold on to their students have been ignored. The impact of positive teacher-student relations, however, is contingent upon the organizational and structural characteristics of high schools.
Community and Environmental Factors
This organization will begin by doing a need assessment to determine if this is a needed organization in the target area. This is accomplished by talking with the talking with the school’s superintendent and the principals about how many people in the area might be a target population. The examiners talk with members of the local Chamber of Commerce who will have more knowledge of the target area and knowledge of the numbers of high school dropouts and the unemployment rate in the area. In addition to this long investigation to find out if any other organizations in the
References: www.whitehouse.gov www.highschoolgraduate.com www.heritage.org www.education.stateuniversity.com