Medical tourism requires contacts that discuss important provisions between facilitators, the clients and the healthcare providers. The Client Informed Consent and Release informs the clients of the risks and benefits associated with receiving medical treatment overseas. The Client Informed Consent and Release typically includes the following clauses:
1. General Provisions: encourages the client to seed advice form a qualified healthcare provide, contains what services the medical travel facilitator will and will not provide
2. Warranty Disclaimer: does not guarantee services of others (health provider, accommodation services and travel providers)
3. Limited Liability: Facilitators not liable for losses incurred
4. Limited …show more content…
Governing Law: Universal law of interpretation in the event a dispute arises amongst facilities or countries disagreement with the contract
7. Dispute Resolution: Where and how disputes between parties will be resolved; with courts and arbitration will be used
8. Venue and Jurisdiction: Disagreement about where and which courts will hear claims; resolves which courts such judicial action will take place
9. Severability: Prevents entire agreement from being unenforceable
10. Attorney Fees: If dispute arises, determines who is responsible for paying attorney’s fee
The Client Agreement governs the commercial terms between the medical travel facilitators. The Client Agreement should contain the following clauses:
1. Payment: States amount and due dates of all payments to the medical travel facilitators
2. Informed Consent: Client acknowledges consent
3. Assignment: States that the rights and obligations under the Client Agreement may not be assigned to another party
4. Governing Law: Universal law of interpretation in the event a dispute arises amongst facilities or countries disagreement with the contract
The Hospital Agreement governs the commercial terms between medical travel facilitators and the hospital. The Hospital Agreement should contain the following