Explain how current and relevant legislation and policy affects work with children and young people.
Current legislation is the result of The children Act 1989 which was brought in to ensure that all people who work with children worked together and was clear about their responsibility’s and knew how to act if allegations of child abuse were made.Following the death of Victoria Climbie in the year 2000 an independent inquiry highlighted many problems with how reports of neglect and child abuse were dealt with and found that vulnerable people in society were not being safeguarded.The Laming report led to the governments Every Child Matters paper and The Children Act 2004. In the last year this has now been renamed Every Child Achieves, but pretty much has the same outcomes of Be healthy, Stay safe, Enjoy and Achieve, Make a positive contribution and Achieve economic wellbeing. There is also The Children’s Plan 2020 Goals which outline guidelines that every child should be achieving by the year 2020.The main points of the 2004 Children act was that every local authority has a director of children's services who is ultimately responsible for ensuring that children are safeguarded. Local safeguarding boards were set up and children's wishes taken into account. Children's services now have a duty to safeguard children and to work together with a multi- agency approach to promote their welfare. The common assessment framework was introduced to identify children's needs.In 2009 the vetting and barring scheme was introduced, anyone working with children and vulnerable adults needs to have their personal information checked to prevent unsuitable people working in these areas. The scheme is now called the disclosure and barring service.
Also residential care are governed by National Minimum standards which every child care support worker must work to and beyond and is over seen by OFSTED, who inspect twice yearly, one being the main inspection, where