As a home based childcare provider there are legislations that I work to that are put in place to ensure your child gets the upmost care whilst in my care. There are many legislations, these are the ones I feel are most relevant:
Children Act (2004 and 1989)
The Children Act 2004 amended the Children Act 1989 mainly in response to the Victoria Climbe inquiry. The Children Act 1989 was the first acknowledgment in UK Law of children’s rights encapsulated by the phrase ‘the needs of the child are paramount’. A set of aim led to the creation of the Children Act 2004. The main purpose was to give boundaries and help for local authorities to better regulate official intervention in the interest of children and to improve services for children and young people aged 0-19. This has come from the Green Paper ‘Every child matters’ and identifies 5 outcomes for all children
i. Be healthy-enjoying good physical and mental health and living a healthy lifestyle ii. Stay safe- being protected from harm and neglect iii. Enjoy and achieve- getting the most out of life and developing skills for adulthood. iv. Make a positive contribution- being involved with the community and society and not engaging in anti-social behaviour.
v. Achieve economic well-being- not being prevented by economic disadvantage form achieving their full potential.
Childcare Act (2006)
This introduced the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in England. The EYFS framework sets out the standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage – the 31st August after their 5th birthday. It provides for equality of opportunity and make sure that every child is included and not disadvantaged for any reason. The EYFS creates a framework for a partnership between parents and professionals in all the settings a child attends. The framework is intended to provide a consistent but flexible approach to care and