1.1 Why is it important to recognise and respect an individual’s heritage?
Because peoples heritage is part of their culture. The more you understand about it the more you understand the person and the reason they do some of the things they do. You have a heritage and it is why you were brought up with the beliefs and standards. You want people to respect that, so you should give the same respect. It’s also a part of history which has helped us evolve throughout this world. You may not like it or agree with it, but you should at least learn a bit about it before you make a decision and still respect it. 1.2 Compare the experience of dementia for an individual who has acquired it as an older person with the experience of an individual who has acquired it as a younger person.
Younger people with dementia may have different needs to people aged over 65 requiring a different type of service or a response appropriate to their age. In general, younger people with dementia are more likely to: Be in work at the time of diagnosis, have dependent children, have heavy financial commitments such as paying a mortgage, have a rarer form of dementia with which professionals are less familiar, find it difficult to rationalise losing skills at such a young age, find it more difficult to access appropriate information and support. Much of the support for people with dementia comes from family and friends, who provide unpaid care. Younger people with dementia are more likely to have younger partners and family, who may be in work and/or education. This may mean that their friends and family are also less available to provide support for them. The specific needs of younger people with dementia have been recognised in the dementia strategies and plans in England (2009), Northern Ireland (2011) and Wales (2011). There is also reference made to younger people with dementia in the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guideline
1.3. How can