Firstly, every man born into this world was thought, by the Americans, to have natural born rights as a human being. As Thomas Jefferson stated in Document E page 75, ‚Äúour ancestors, before their emigration to America, were the free inhabitants of the British dominions in Europe, and possessed a right, which nature has given to all men‚Äù of leaving their home nation to one of their choice. This is to state that not only are men free to roam this world, but in the spirit of democracy England cannot and should not seek to control those who wish to leave the island for another continent. Should some leave, nature has never ‚made the satellite larger than its primary planet...England to Europe: America to itself‚ (Document G 76). Thomas Paine means that
Firstly, every man born into this world was thought, by the Americans, to have natural born rights as a human being. As Thomas Jefferson stated in Document E page 75, ‚Äúour ancestors, before their emigration to America, were the free inhabitants of the British dominions in Europe, and possessed a right, which nature has given to all men‚Äù of leaving their home nation to one of their choice. This is to state that not only are men free to roam this world, but in the spirit of democracy England cannot and should not seek to control those who wish to leave the island for another continent. Should some leave, nature has never ‚made the satellite larger than its primary planet...England to Europe: America to itself‚ (Document G 76). Thomas Paine means that