
Were the Colonists Justified?

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Were the Colonists Justified?
Were the colonists justified in waging war and breaking away from Britain?
After all of the hardship and violence the British imposed on the colonists, the Americans were justified in waging war and breaking away from Britain. The Colonists were justified in breaking away because the parliament passed laws that were unjustified, The British king was of tyranny, The Stamp Act of 1765, The Townshend Act and The Boston Massacre. All of this lead to the colonies joining together and rebelling against the British.
The colonists despised the unlimited power of the parliament and their authority to levy taxes to raise revenue. The colonist had to fight against the tyranny. The parliament passed many unjustified laws that were unconstitutional and destructive to the liberty to the colonies. The parliament believed they had the authority to make laws to regulate the trade of all the colonies. The British made it known that the parliament had “the right to make laws to bind us in all cases whatsoever” as stated in Document 5. The colonists felt it was unfair for the British to have unlimited power over them. {Document 2 & Document 5}
The Stamp Act of 1765 was passed by the parliament basically to raise revenue. That led to new taxes being imposed on all American colonists. The Townshend Acts of 1767 was passed by the parliament to impose duties on the colonies. The Colonists were becoming more n more enraged. Then On March 5, 1770 The Boston “Massacre” happened. This was the big event that united the colonists and makes them go to war against the British. The Boston Massacre was when the British Soldiers began shooting at a crowd of colonists. Many people were dead and more was wounded. The picture shows how the British were violent and killers, it was sent throughout the colonies and it arouses anti-British feelings. {Document 2 & Document

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