In Anthem Ayn Rand reveals character traits of Liberty 5-3000. “We wish to write this name. We wish to speak it, but we dare not speak it above a whisper” (38). That quote shows that Equality looks up to her, she is very intelligent and assumingly pretty. He thinks this but he knows that he is not allowed to. It is a crime to look at a women in his society. “Then they glanced at us over their shoulder, and we felt as if a hand had touched our body, slipping softly from our lips to our feet”(40).
Jackie 4 pts. 9. Find several examples of the ways in which this society tries to obliterate each individual’s mind (and self) by squashing personal choices, desires, and values. In Ayn Rand’s book Anthem their society has completely killed all sense of a personality or any sense of being an individual. The society that Equality is living in doesn’t care who you have feelings for they pick who you mate with, even though you can’t have feelings for anyone because they control that as well. Equality can’t give Liberty 5-300 a “pet” name because “it is a sin to give men names which distinguish them from other men”(41). Equality doesn’t care that the law says that “men may not think of women”(41) and that they must “save at the Time of Mating”(41). Loren- 2 pts. 10. Contrast Equality 7-2521 with the rest of the men living in this society (pg. 46-47).
There are many different things about Equality in Ayn Rand’s Anthem and the other men that live in his society. Some of the differences are that he is much smarter than all of the other men. He strives to learn more, which is different than everyone else. “Yet our brothers are not like us.