Anthony Browne is a very prolific children’s author and illustrator, whom some of the children may already be familiar.
It is possible to use this familiarisation to discuss with the pupils reoccurring themes within Anthony Browne’s books. The anthropomorphism of his characters and the use of motifs, such as bananas and hats, are prevalent throughout his books. This is a quality that adds an extra-textual element to Browne’s work, as the reader already has a wealth of prior knowledge to bring to the picture reading process (Duncan, 2009).
It is this wealth of prior knowledge that I intended to incite via the lesson starter. It is assumed that most children have, by the age of ten, knowledge of zoo’s and animals in relation to their natural habitat. Using a dramatic convention that allows the children to depict a scene of their favourite animal within its natural habitat, not only encourages them to engage in being more social and expressive students, but also, through appropriate teacher questioning, may well establish internal notions that will be fostered during the reading of Zoo.
Browne’s recognisable illustrative style is able to impart a great sense of warmth to the reader. However, this is often interspersed with what could be described as bleak and subtly distressing images, as his books often deal with complex issues and dilemmas.
Zoo, published in 1992, centres around a conventional domestic situation, in which ‘Mum’, ‘Dad’ and their two boys spend the day visiting a zoo. The narrative of the book depicts the day as pretty uneventful, mildly boring even. The highlights being “burger, chips and beans”, “the monkey hats” and “going home” - not quite the exciting day they had all anticipated. Browne’s illustrations cleverly compliment the narrative, yet tell an altogether different story. They require the reader to infer an underlying awareness of animal oppression; provoking the reader to
References: Baldwin, P. Fleming, K. (2003) Teaching Literacy through Drama: Creative approaches, London: RoutledgeFalmer Bearne, E Browne, B. (1992) ZOO, London: Random House Duncan, D Graham, J. (1990) Pictures on the page, Sheffield: The National Association for the teaching of English Hunt, P Vygotsky, L. S. (1978) Mind and Society: The Development of higher Psychological Processes, Cambridge: Havard University Press [cited in: Bearne, E. (2002) Making Progress in Writing, London: RoutledgeFalmer] Winston, J Waterland, L. (1988) 2nd ed. Read with me; an apprenticeship guide to reading Stroud: Thimble Press Appendix