A good example was in the final scene as shots are being fired everywhere. You take notice how the entire room is red, as it was prepared to drenched into a battlefield. Lastly, when Tony is shot in the back falling down from the stair could represent his fall from “grace” or at the very least his fall from glory. The last touch would have to be the fact that as Tony died, we see a statue saying the ‘The World is Yours’ which can represent a heavy dose of irony. The irony is, that Tony tried living a super crazy life style similar to that of a rock star. He kept trying to take and take with no signs of slowing down, it got to the point where he was breaking the main rule of drug dealing. “Don’t get high on you own supply”, he constantly breaks that rule and when the fast life style caught up with him, Tony came crashing down. Another example of mise-en-scene is where Tony gave his “Hello to the Bad Guy” speech, he said this in a fancy restaurant drunk. Clearly there is a stark difference between Tony and the other guest, and as the scene continues it becomes clear that Tony doesn’t belong. He always wanted to make it into first class but once he made it, it turns out to be not all it's cracked up to be. This become further lampshaded as his wife said, “We aren’t winners we are losers”. However, despite all this, Tony doesn’t care. He is still showed he is not afraid to be who he is, when he
A good example was in the final scene as shots are being fired everywhere. You take notice how the entire room is red, as it was prepared to drenched into a battlefield. Lastly, when Tony is shot in the back falling down from the stair could represent his fall from “grace” or at the very least his fall from glory. The last touch would have to be the fact that as Tony died, we see a statue saying the ‘The World is Yours’ which can represent a heavy dose of irony. The irony is, that Tony tried living a super crazy life style similar to that of a rock star. He kept trying to take and take with no signs of slowing down, it got to the point where he was breaking the main rule of drug dealing. “Don’t get high on you own supply”, he constantly breaks that rule and when the fast life style caught up with him, Tony came crashing down. Another example of mise-en-scene is where Tony gave his “Hello to the Bad Guy” speech, he said this in a fancy restaurant drunk. Clearly there is a stark difference between Tony and the other guest, and as the scene continues it becomes clear that Tony doesn’t belong. He always wanted to make it into first class but once he made it, it turns out to be not all it's cracked up to be. This become further lampshaded as his wife said, “We aren’t winners we are losers”. However, despite all this, Tony doesn’t care. He is still showed he is not afraid to be who he is, when he