Kottak, questions from chapter 1, 13
DVD questions from chapters 1, 2, and 3
Kottak Chapter 1
1. What do you think is unique about anthropology: its holism or its comparative perspective? Can you think of other fields that holistic and/or comparative?
I think that holism is a unique part of anthropology because it’s the study of the whole human condition: the past, present, and the future. It’s also about the biology, society, language, and culture of the humans. I think it’s unique because it covers all the aspects of the human life. I think sociology is a field that is holistic because it deals with social relations, organizations, and behaviors.
2. What are some areas in which anthropology’s bicultural; four- field approach might shed light on current issues and debates? Would sexuality be such an area?
The four fields are social-cultural anthropology, archaeology, biological anthropology, and linguistics. Social –Cultural Anthropology is the of the social and cultural aspects of living people. Archaeology is the study of human history. Biological anthropology is the study of the human population. Linguistics studies the natural languages. All of these fields can shed light on current issues and debates like illness and treatment, irrigation work, understanding the past and how we got to the present, and communication like body language, and the way people get messages across. I think sexuality wouldn’t be an area because sexuality would change the other aspects of life so it wouldn’t be as important as the other four fields.
3. Many other disciplines are limited by their focus on powerful people and elites. How has your professor in other classes tried to justify, or compensate for, such limitation?
My professors in my other classes tried to justify or compensate for many limitations. For example in my accounting class the professor give you 3 unexcused absents, on your fourth unexcused