1. Chose two of the short stories that we've read and discussed as a class. Identify a shared major theme of the works and explore what literary techniques (elements) the authors use to establish and develop the major theme.
2. In looking at one of the texts we've read and discussed as a class, what connections can you draw between the author's life and the themes presented in their work.
The rubric for expository writing will be used to grade this assignment. Due October 8th.
1. Besides data on the health of a community, what else can studies of health “reveal” about a society? (2pts)
2. Why is participant observation such a valuable tool for Finerman’s work? (2pts)
3. Why do the Saraguro consider the ability to work, harmony with people in their society, and freedom from supernatural and natural illness agents as essential components of good health? (2pts)
4. Think about North American ideals regarding weight. Compare them with the Saraguro’s. Are there differences? (3pts)
5. Saraguro women have more financial independence than most Andean women. What allows them this independence? (2pts)
6.a What are some of the most common health problems that Saraguro people encounter?(2pts)
b. Discuss 2 aliments and briefly explain how they are related to the living environment. (2pts)
Score: /15pts