* On test
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
A. Different kinds of Anthropology*
1. Biological/Physical Anthropology: the branch of anthropology dealing with the evolutionary changes in human body structure and the classification of modern races.
2. Archaeologist: Study of material culture
3. Linguistic Anthropology: Study of how language is used in various social context. Focuses mainly on interplay of language and culture.
4. Cultural Anthropology: Study of cultural variation and similarities.
B. Cultural Anthropology:
1. Understand better how we live
2. Change the way you look at your self and the world around you
3. Social Change, Social Justice
4. While Animals Have Instinct (Programmed) Humans do not have Instinct but are Learned.
5. Enculturation*: the process of learning one's culture
6. Psychic unity of mankind*: all human beings, regardless of race or culture, share the same cognitive/psychological make up
7. Culture come from word Latin word Cultura > obtaining and using wild. *to create something useful*
8. Culture*: The learned patterns of behavior and thought that help a group adapt to its surroundings.
C. Civilization:
1. Taking someone wild to Human Being (Humane)
2. 19th Century Anthropological arrangement:
a) ←llll> Primitive Nomadic Chinese Culture* Civilized
3. Unilinear Evolution: from primitive change to civilized. Believed that western culture is the contemporary pinnacle at social evolution. Also believed people will go through predetermined stages of social evolution.
(Classical Social Evolution) *European Thought*
4. Primitive is more balanced than Civilized because primitive lives by nature and civilized lives by technology.
5. whole point of Unilinear Evolution does not make sense.
6. Edward Taylor: Founder