Agonal Phase- agon means struggle, refers to s gasp and muscle spasm during the first moments in which regular heartbeat disintegrates.
Clinical Death- a short interval follows in which heartbeat circulation, breathing, & brain functioning stop, but resuscitation is still possible.
Morality- the individual passes into permanent death within a few hours the newly lifeless being appears shrunken, not at all like the person he or she was when alive.
Brain Death- irreversible cessation of all activity in the brain and the brain stem is used in mist industrialized nations.
Persistent vegetative state- in which the cerebral cortex no longer registered electrical activity but the brain stem remained active.
Permanence- once a living thing dies it cannot be brought back to life.
Inevitability- all living things die eventually.
Cessation- all living functions, including thought, feeling, movement, and bodily processes cease at death.
Applicability- death applies only to living things
Causation- death is caused by a breakdown of bodily functioning.
Death anxiety- fear and apprehension of death
Kubler-Ross’s Theory: * Denial-upon learning of the illness, person denies the seriousness to escape from prospect of death * Anger- recognition that time is short & promotes anger at having to die w/out accomplishing everything * Bargaining- realizing the inevitability of death ill person beings to bargain for extra time, strike deal * Depression- when denial, anger,& bargaining fail to postpone the illness person becomes depressed about losing life * Acceptance- most people who reach acceptance are at a state of peace & quite about upcoming death
Appropriate Death- is one that makes sense In terms of the individual’s patterns of living and values and at the same time preserves or restores significant relationships and is free of suffering as possible.
Advanced medical directive- a written statement of desired