As we discussed in class and also frequently mentioned in Dr. Rachel Remen’s book, is the refusal of doctors to recognize treatment is not always the best option for someone who is dying. There comes a moment in a dying individual’s life when continued treatment may only do more harm than good. Rarely, do medical professionals ask their patients how would they like to live the last moments of their life. For many individuals dying of terminal illness, six weeks of high-quality life is much preferred in comparison to six months of low-mobility degradation. This aspect of our culture prohibits individuals from dying while they are still fully themselves and instead creates a long, protracted, and painful degradation of life and
As we discussed in class and also frequently mentioned in Dr. Rachel Remen’s book, is the refusal of doctors to recognize treatment is not always the best option for someone who is dying. There comes a moment in a dying individual’s life when continued treatment may only do more harm than good. Rarely, do medical professionals ask their patients how would they like to live the last moments of their life. For many individuals dying of terminal illness, six weeks of high-quality life is much preferred in comparison to six months of low-mobility degradation. This aspect of our culture prohibits individuals from dying while they are still fully themselves and instead creates a long, protracted, and painful degradation of life and