Anti-Drug Legislation Matrix
Complete the matrix by selecting three states to add below Federal. Then, answer each question listed in the first row for each corresponding law.
| |Is marijuana |What are the |What are the |What are the |What is the blood|Is there extreme |
| |illegal? |penalties for |penalties for |penalties for |alcohol level for|DWI or DUI? If so, |
| | |possession of |possession of |possession of |a driving while |what is the |
| | |cocaine? |heroin? |prescription |intoxicated (DWI)|punishment? |
| | | | |drugs? |or driving under | |
| | | | | |the influence | |
| | | | | |(DUI) crime? | |
|Federal |yes |Five year minimum |1 year in prison |First offense is |The driver is |Restrictions on |
| | |sentence for first |and $5,000 fine |up to 1 year in |considered to be |license |
| | |offense for 5 grams|;first offense |jail and sentence |charged with DUI | |
| | |of cocaine base or |2 years in prison |in jail increases |if there is at | |
| | |500 grams of powder|and $10,000 fine |with each repeat |least .10 grams | |
| | | |second offense |offense. |of alcohol per | |
| |