And if I have to die for this crime, I am content, for I shall rest beside him; His love will answer mine (72-74)
She says that she is not scared to die. Saying that she is not afraid to die for breaking a law is a prideful move. She also says to the citizens as she is being taken away to the tomb: Antigone. O look upon me. The that remain of a line of Kings! How savagery impious men us me, For keeping a law that is holy (940-943)
As Antigone is being lead to the vault, she tells the citizens passing by that she is innocent despite what King Creon claims. Going against a king is very daring, especially as a woman during this time period. She is very prideful which is a major characteristic of a tragic hero. Antigone is a tragic hero because she buried her brother going against the law that led to her death. Her death was devastating and not needed due to her crime. A tragic hero is a person, fictional or not, that makes a bad decision ending up in their downfall, and Antigone is one of these