Creon’s tragic flaw, however, was his inability to bend or yield to the views and ideas of others, or the god’s. Creon’s inflexibility led him to be more of a tyrannical leader towards the city of Thebes. Towards the…
Creon, a character from the Greek tragedy Antigone, is described as the tragic hero of the story due to the character's flaws and the consequences that followed. Creon's intentions are purely of nationalism for the land he rules, Thebbes. He forbids anyone to show respect to a violent betrayer, but in the process makes tragic flaws. Creon's tragic mistakes can all be embodied by the one question he had asked his son Haemon, “And the city proposes to teach me how to rule?” ( 3.103). Creon is insistent on ruling one his own. Even When the prophet, Teiresias, tried to help the king, Creon was also deaf to his suggestions, even though they were for his well being. When Creon…
Although Creon created the edict with good intentions for the people of Thebes, his failure to recognize the familial bond that ties Antigone to her brother Polyneices coupled with his newfound power as ruler of Thebes contributes to his tyrannical and delusional behavior which ultimately leads to his downfall. Looking back at “Oedipus The King”, Creon established himself as a rational individual, especially during his confrontation with Oedipus when clearing his name as culprit in a placid manner. However, Creon’s attitude shifts dramatically in “Antigone” after assuming the throne. Analysing Creon’s argument with oracle Tiresias reveals Creon’s transformation into a delusional tyrant. Tiresias offers his wisdom to Creon claiming he is responsible…
In the story “Antigone” both characters, Antigone and Creon are examples of tragic characters. The tragic character is a man of noble stature. He is not an ordinary man, but a man with outstanding quality and greatness about him. This character causes his own downfall due to his own tragic flaw. Creon is a tragic character in the story because of his tragic flaw, his pride and failure to understand when he is wrong. This flaw causes the downfall of Creon because he does not listen to anyone when everyone was telling him to just stop and release Antigone. Antigone is also a tragic character in this story. She is a tragic character because she is stubborn and goes through an outburst of fear and self-pity after she is facing death. Antigone stays loyal to her family that slowly brings her to her down fall. In my opinion though I believe that Creon is the real tragic character because Creon is a perfect example of what Aristotle described in his book “Poetics.”…
Generally speaking Creon is a prideful king. For example he made laws that defied the Gods. Creon is so prideful and arrogant he would not listen to others to spare the sister from being arrested. “I swear by God and by the throne of God, the man who has done this thing shall pay for it!.”,(pg 674) said Creon. He believed his law of not burying a traitor was…
Have you ever thought what would happen if you knew what was going to lead you down the wrong path? What could bring about such a downfall? While reading the book Antigone, one could not even begin to express the tragic flaw seen within the character named Creon. Not only was Creon the king, but also was a character who suffered one too many cases of a selfish heart. Creon's actions can be discovered through his lack of acceptance, lack of relationship, and his unbelievable pride. All of these actions started out small but eventually ruined Creon's life.…
Creon possesses a noble stature as king of Thebes. As seen in this quote spoken by Antigone, “Have they told you the new decree of our king Creon?” This is a new edict (Sophocles 1.6). Noble stature is the first point in Aristotle's theory of a tragic hero, and Creon fits it…
Creon, King of Thebes, was not born of royal blood. Regardless, his sovreign rule places him in critical situations. Being king puts Creon in the perfect position as tragic hero, for now he must make decisions using his own code of morals. As the drama progresses, Creon…
Aristotle once said, “A man doesn’t become a hero until he can see the root of his own downfall.” Sophocles’s Antigone was written in 440 B.C. which was the time when plays were written based on ancient Greece culture. The idea of a tragic hero was established in Ancient Greece, tragic heroes are in ancient Greek plays. A tragic hero is a character who is inherently good, has a fatal flaw and loses everything in the end. Creon is Antigone’s tragic hero because his loyalty and obsessive pride influence the conflicts that led to his family’s demise.…
In Antigone, a Greek tragedy written by Sophocles, Creon is a tyrant and arrogant character who sees the world through the veil of his beliefs. When he decrees the punishment of death upon Antigone, he completely disregards every opinion that is against his own. By ignoring the views of others, he jeopardizes his strength as a ruler. Sophocles uses the extended metaphor of the ship of state to show how Creon’s self-righteous way of thinking leads to unwanted outcomes. From Creon’s mistakes we learn that if you let your pride stand in the way of seeing other people’s opinions you can impair yourself more than you had planned.…
Antigone is a tragic play wrote by Sophocles about the conflicts between family members. Oedipus the king of Thebes and his wife both killed themselves due to a mistake that they made in the past. After Oedipus died his two son Polyneices and Eteocles killed each other to see who will be the next king. Both die and Creon, Oedipus’s brother in law, is the next in line to became king. The first law that Creon made since he became king is no one is allow to bury Polyneices body because he is a traitor to Thebes. Anyone who buries Polyneices will die. This law has everyone involved in suffered greatly. Creon has suffered enough for his actions and the Thebens people should not punish him any further.…
“I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.” In a Greek drama, a tragic flaw causes the downfall of a tragic hero, a person of nobility or higher standing. In Sophocles’ play, Antigone, Creon is the tragic hero because he is a strong man who is loyal to his city, but his stubborn pride gets in the way of him ruling his country, protecting his family, and staying true to the Greek values. Creon is the king of Thebes. He became the king because his sister, Iocaste, married the king and after many deaths in the royal family; the kingdom ended up in Creon’s hands. All these deaths were not necessarily unlikely because in this particular royal family there was a curse which caused the cycle of tragedy followed them. When Creon becomes the king, he has big plans for Thebes, but his flaws disable him from reaching those goals. Creon better fits the definition of a tragic hero, as opposed to his niece Antigone, because he has a tragic flaw, hubris, which affects himself, his entire family, kingdom, and future. Despite having many unattractive qualities, Creon is a noble, loyal king, who cares deeply about his city of Thebes. In Creon’s eyes, protecting his city is his number one priority, which causes him to be afraid of anarchy and scared of the people of Thebes disrespecting him or the city. The first time Creon shows just how important his city is to him while he is giving his first speech to his city and he says, “I call God to/ witness that if I saw my city headed for ruin, I/ should not be afraid to speak out plainly; and I need/ hardly remind you that I would never have any dealings/ with enemies of the people” (Sophocles. Scene 1. 27-31). At this moment it becomes evident that Creon has the best interest of his city at hand. The reader can tell that he does not want anything to jeopardize his kingship or kingdom. These thoughts of betrayal often cause Creon to make irrational decisions and make his laws too strict. He does not…
In the play, Antigone, written by Sophocles, the tragic hero presented is Creon, the king of Thebes. Creon’s obstinate personality led him to avoid listening to anyone else’s reasoning. Creon has used bad judgment while he was ruling over Thebes. However, Creon went to great lengths to correct his mistakes. Creon’s personality, wrong conduct, and effort to reverse his mistakes make him a tragic hero.…
Sophocles has different characters, Antigone is the younger daughter of oedipus and Jocasta. Creon is the brother of antigone. Creon is Antigone and creon is powerfully, built but a weary and wrinkled man suffering the burdens of rule. Antigone is sallow, withdrawn and a brat. The chorus frames the play by introducing the action and characters under the sign of fatality.…
Creon’s fatal flaw of excessive pride leads to his downfall. He makes his attitude toward the gods very clear when he rebukes Tiresias’ advice about how Creon’s refusal to bury Polyneices will lead to rebellion by Antigone and sacrifices are to follow. “All the silver Sardis, all the gold of India, is not enough to buy this man [Polyneices] a grave; not even Zeus’s eagles come, and fly away with carrion morsels to their master’s throne. Even such a threat of such a taint will not win this body burial” (Sophocles, Antigone). Creon denies the power of the gods, and the highest god that is held in Greek Mythology, Zeus, and puts his power above theirs so that his authority may come before all. Creon’s pride can be compared to that of Jason in Medea by Euripides as they both think their actions are for the good of the citizens and those whom the characters love. This hubris quality led Creon to a reversal in his fate.…