During the early stages of the Industrialization, factories were exclusively built near bodies of water. When Great Britain found out about coal and how it could be used to fuel machinery away from water, it marked the invention of the steam engine. According to Document 3 “Steam-engines moreover, by the cheapness and steadiness of their action, fabricate [produce] cheap goods.” Along with cheap goods and making necessary products of life, factories also produced more goods quicker via assembly line and mass production (O.I.) This allowed for less skilled workers since all they had to do is one job (O.I.) As a result of steam engines being implemented into factories allowed much more products to be produced for …show more content…
The Industrial Revolution shifted the economy from a domestic system in which goods were exclusively produced in the home by skilled people to a factory system in which machines coincided with people to get the task done. Factories produced goods faster and cheaper than skilled artists and both railroads and canals were used to transport the goods everywhere. It created a national market and the economy boomed as a result. If industrialization never happened, cities would have never developed due to the huge growth of the