Mrs. Goldberg
Textbook: The Western Heritage
Please be sure to keep up with all your reading. Each week you will have about 20 pages of your textbook to read and to read thoughtfully before you come to class. Some of your short answer test questions will come from the essential Questions and vocabulary posed here. NOTE: You might have to read other selections in addition to this reading.
I highly recommend you take notes on the vocabulary words.
WEEK 1: August 27-29 Introduction Pages lxii-lxxvii Essential Question: “In what ways did the medieval era shape European thought and culture?”
Vocabulary: hierarchical, monastic, “papal primacy”, bureaucracy, feudal, fief, manor, vassalage, serf, Caesaro-papism, bourgeois, haberdasher, Crusades, scholasticism, Christendom
WEEK 2: Sept 2-5 Chapter 9--290-314 (In this section do not feel you have to memorize the names of kings or Popes)
Essential Question: “What were the most significant social and religious events of the late Middle Ages (early Renaissance)?”
Vocabulary: Decameron, Jacquerie, guild, Estates General, primogeniture, Unam Sanctam, Wycliffe, Lollards, Hussites, heresy, Great Schism, Conciliar Movement, Golden Horde
WEEK 3: Sept 8-12 Chapter 10—Pages 318-338
Essential Question: “How did the humanists impact culture and politics during the Italian and Northern Renaissance era?”
Vocabulary: humanism, city-sate, ciompi revolt, Petrarch, Dante, Boccaccio, Castiglione, Pisan, Mirandola, civic humanism, chiaroscuro, linear perspective, Raphael, Ludovico il Moro, Savonarola, Erasmus, Machiavelli, republican, gabelle, taille, moors, Court of the Star Chamber, Tudor, Reichstag
WEEK 4: Sept 15-19 Chapter 10 continued… Pages 338-356
Essential Question: “How was the Northern Renaissance different from the Southern Renaissance?” AND “What attitudes and innovations did the Old world bring to the New, and how did these new interactions impact European life?”