Cadence- two chord progression that occurs at the end of a phrase
Conclusive Cadence- anything ending on a tonic triad
Inconclusive Cadence- sounds incomplete(half/deceptive) not ending on tonic Half- any chord going to a V
Phrygian Half- IV- V
Authentic- V (or vii at least that’s what says ) going to I
Perfect Authentic (PAC)- 3 conditions
1. Must be V chord first rather than vii
2. Must both be in root position
3. Last chord must have the tonic at the top of the chord
Imperfect- everything else
Plagal-IV(iv) to I(i)
Deceptive- V to anything else except I(usually vi?)
Cadential extension- delaying cadence by adding additional things to the closing phrase
Coda- a musical selection that closes the harmonic/melodic phrases reinforce the final cadence
Codetta-marks end of sonatas, ends in a perfect cadence; not necessarily signals the end of the piece; a smaller version of a coda
Contour-shape of the melody
Countermelody-sequence of notes that looks like the melody but isn’t and it’s meant to be played with the leading melody
Elision (phrase elision)-last note of first phrase serves to be the first note of the second phrase
Fragment (fragmented motive)-using part of melodic line rather than the entirety-
Introduction ?
Jazz and pop terms
Bridge-the middle section in a jazz tune that contrasts from the main sections it’s the “B” in the AABA form
Chorus-one complete cycle of a tune
Song form (AABA)- most common pop/jazz form(Gershwin, Cole Porter, Harold Arlen, etc.)
Turnaround-a bunch of chords that end up in a cadence on the tonic and leads back to the beginning chords or the next set of chords
twelve-bar blues-mostly I-IV-V form and in 4/4 most popular blues form (from some other source: three four-bar phrases, aab or abc patter, most commonly I/I/I/I/IV/IV/I/I/V/IV/I/I)