Please complete the following questions. Answer the questions on this document. Submit your work as a file attachment. This means you complete all work in a word processing document (e.g., Microsoft Word) and attach the file using the dropbox tool.
The answers to the Text questions are worth 75 points.
75-70=A 69-64=B 63-56=C 55-50=D 49 or less = F
Review Questions (5 points each)
1. What were the three forms of English madrigals? Describe each type.
Madrigal Proper- through composed, used quite a bit of word-painting. The Ballet- Lighter in style than the Madrigal Proper and it was often danced to as well as sung. It is considered strophic music. The Ayre- Performed in many different ways, …show more content…
like with or without accompaniment. If with accompaniment the instrument varied from lutes to violas to other instruments of the period. When printed, ayres were placed on two pages of an open book, music on the left page, lyrics on the right.
2. What were chorales? Why were they popular?
Chorales- Easy to sing melodies often based on traditional folk songs.
Popular because the printing press allowed for the publishing of hymn books.
3. What is a consort?
A consort is an instrument ensemble consisting of six instruments: flute or recorder, lute, cittern, violin or treble viola de gamba, bandore, and the bass viola de gamba.
4. Who was Guillaume Dufay? What contributions did he make to Renaissance music?
One of the early renaissance composers. He wrote music in almost every music form at the time, including chants, motets, chorales, and masses. His music influenced many of the composers that came after him.
5. Who was William Byrd? What contributions did he make to Renaissance music?
A composer who created consort music. He composed over 470 pieces of music in a range of music forms, including motets and church songs. Considered one of the first geniuses on the keyboard. Many of his piano compositions were published in My Lady Nevells book and Parenthia. Composers include a large scale piece, Browning, which is a collection of twenty variations on a melody inspired by the ripening of nuts during the fall season.
Critical Thinking Questions (10 points each)
1. How did music in the Renaissance differ from medieval …show more content…
The music of the early renaissance was a reaction to the music of the late medieval period.
In the renaissance music was simpler and smoother, whereas in the medieval period musical forms like the ars nova were complex. In the Renaissance a greater emphasis was placed on the instruments and the music that they produced.
2. What were the effects of the printing press on music and composers?
The printing press created the ability for individuals and companies to produce copies of music, therefore individuals could now produce multiple copies of music more easily. This allowed music to spread throughout a society and into others faster and more efficiently.
3. If the Renaissance is thought to represent a rebirth or new birth, how is this reflected in the music of the Renaissance?
The musical forms changed throughout the Renaissance and that represents rebirth or new birth because new music is born. The Renaissance period was a return to the philosophy and art of classical times, also the Renaissance represents a time of fresh ideas and innovation in the arts and culture.
4. What was the role of music during the Renaissance? How was it used in
The role of music during the Renaissance was to entertain, and for religious and ritualistic uses. Society had more time for leisure activities; this increased the time people had to listen to music.
5. Many of the songs from ancient times through the Renaissance built on the melodies of previous songs. What were the advantages for composers of using a melody that had already been created?
Composing music was easier when composers used a melody that had already been created.