Please complete the following questions. It is important that you use full sentences and present the questions and answers when you submit your work. Submit the work as a file attachment. This means you complete all work in a word processing document (e.g., Microsoft Word) and attach the file using the dropbox tool. Use the Unit 1: Text Questions dropbox basket.
The answers to the Review & Critical Thinking questions are worth 10 points.
Review Questions
1. What are the basic elements of music?ygygygy
2. What is pitch?
3. What is syncopation? What types of music use syncopation?
4. What are three examples of forms of music? Describe each form.
5. What is form in music?
Critical Thinking Questions
1. Music has sometimes been referred to as a “universal language.” Why has this description been applied to music? Do you agree or disagree with this assessment? Why?
2. Why is musical notation important? What benefits do musicians and others receive from being able to write down and note aspects of a musical piece?
3. In the first part of the unit, we discussed how music is everywhere in society. What are some of the ways that we use music? How do you use music in your own life?
4. Music can help influence the mood or feeling in a place by the way in which it is played. What is a specific example of this that you have experienced? Discuss the experience (what was the song? how was it played? how did the mood/feeling change?). For example, you might discuss an experience at a concert, religious service, or another place where music played a part in creating the mood.
Discussion Questions
Please post questions and answers on the UNIT ONE discussion boards. Unless otherwise instructed, you should submit at least one full paragraph for each question. Each discussion assignment is worth 5 points.