States of Consciousness
- Consciousness and Information Processing
- Sleep and dreams - Biologica Rhythms and the Rythm of Sleep - Dreams What is Consciousness?
Strictly defines as a mental state characterized by an awareness of ourselves and our enviro
Consciousness: your awareness of the outside world and yourself
Mental Processes
Conception btween each person
Preconscious: Outsude of your normal awareness
You can recall the information if need be (what you had for dinner last night)
Nonconscious: Not aware of at all
Blood flow, secretion of hormones, recognizing shapes, and colors
The Unconscious (Subconscious)
Unacceptable feelings, wishes, or desires that you “choose: not to share
Loss of responsiveness resulting from disease, trauma, or anesthesia
Time where when people fall asleep at parties, and people mess with you and draw on your face, Blackouts
Waking Cnsciousness
Our awareness of oursleces and our enviro
Thougts, feelings, and the perceptions hat occur when we are awakre and lert
Allows us to plan and think about our upcoming day
Altered State of Consciousness
A mental state that differs noticeably from normal waking consciousness
Caffine, Alchohol, Sleep deprivation
Theories Explaining Waking Consciousness
The Stream of Consciousness
Consciouness resluts fromt he activity of the thalamus which analyzes and interprest info in the cerbreal cortex
The uncounscious mind proceses info simultainisouslt on multiple tracks, while the conscious mind processes info sequentialy
ID: Devil
Ego: Me
Super Ego: Angel
Consciousness is also viewed as an adaption allowing us to get along with others in our group (humans)
Allows us to ‘see’ oursleves
Neuroscientists believe that consciousness emerges from the interatcion of the individual subcounsicos brain events like a chord that is created from