Wundt- "Father of Psychology": Introspection
Wertheimer- Gestalt Psychology
Titchner- Structuralism
James- Functionalism
Watson- Behaviorism; "Little Albert Study"
Freud- Psychoanalytic; dream analysis; free association; structure of personality; stages of development; defense mechanisms
Milgram- Obedience; Ethics
Broca- left frontal lobe: associated with expressive language
Wernike- left frontal lobe: receptive language
Pavlov- Classical conditioning: dogs
Thorndike- Instrumental learning: cats; law of effect
Skinner- Operant conditioning: rats and pigeons; Behaviorist
Tolman- Latent learning; cognitive maps
Bandura- Observational learning: Bobo Dolls, Social-Cognitive Theory
Ebbinghaus- Forgetting: Decay Model
Chornsky- (Native Theorist) Inherent Existence of sets of cognitive structures
Whorf- Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis
Washoe, Sara and Koko- Ape language studies
Jung- Collective unconscious; archetypes; Psychoanalytic
Horney- Basic childhood anxiety; Psychoanalytic
Erickson- Life crisis; psycho-social development; Psychoanalytic
Adler- Inferiority Complex; Psychoanalytic
Piaget- Stages of Cognitive Development; Cognitive theorist
Rogers- Client-centered; unconditional positive regard; transactional Analysis
Albert Ellis- Rational Emotive Therapy; Cognitive Theorist
Abraham Maslow- Hierarchy of Needs; Humanistic
Sheldon- Somatotyping: endomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph
Binet- I.Q.
Eysenck- Biological model of Personality; Trait-type hierarchy
Harlow- Monkey Studies; Attachment
Lorenz- "Survival of the Fittest Theory" and imprinting
Phineus Gage- Railroad spike; damaged (limbic system), emotions/motivational control center Aaron Beck- Cognitive therapy treating depression
Murray- Need to achieve; TAT
Allport- Trait Approach-cardinal, central, secondary
Cattell- Crystallized Fluid Intelligence
Kelley- Personal Construct Theory
Mishel- Social-learning theory
Gilligan- examined moral