CC (otherwise known as respondent or Pavlovian conditioning (Weiten, 2001: 222 & Copper et al, 1987: 19) was first described by Pavlov in 1899 after unintentional observations into his research of the digestive system of dogs lead him to conduct research into what is referred to now as CC; simple form of learning which occurs through repeated associations between two (or more) different stimuli (Grivas, 1999: 326) . It occurs when a previously neutral stimulus (CS) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) which elicits a reflex response (UCR). This results in the CS electing a conditioned response (CR) that is similar or identical to the UCR (Rachlin, 1970: 62-64). CC accounts for emotional and attitidual changes in behaviour and rids of undesired behaviours ( Grivas, 1999: 333-338).
Whilst CC provides a useful explanation of reflexive responding that is largely controlled by stimuli that precede the response (Weiten, 2001: 232 & Grivas et al, 1999: 345), behaviours which are voluntary (actively operate on the environment) cannot be explained using CC (Grivas et al, 1999: 345 & Cooper et al, 1987: 22) . Individuals learning is mainly influenced by stimulus events that follow the response, specifically its the consequences (Weiten, 2001: 232). In order to explain these complex and voluntary behaviours, another form of learning called Operant Conditioning (also referred to as
References: Baldwin, J.D, & Baldwin, J.I. (1998). Behavior Principles in Everyday life. (3rd ed). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Cooper, J.O., & Heron, T.E., & Heward, W.L. (1987). Applied Behavior Analysis. Ohio: Merrill Publishing Company. Del Mar College: Differences Between Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning. Retrieved April 1, 2003 from Grivas, J. & Down, R., & Carter, L. (1999). Psychology. (2nd ed). South Yarra: Macmillan. Rachlin, H. (1970). Introduction to Modern Behaviorism. (2nd ed). San Francisco: W.H Freeman Company. Termpapers: Classical Conditioning vs Operant Conditioning. Retrieved March 28, 2003 from Weiten, W. (2001). Psychology Themes and Variations. (5th ed). USA: Wadsworth.