* Classical conditioning: is a type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus…
EXPLICIT MEMORY: Memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and “declare.” (Also called declarative memory.)…
Learning refers to the process whereby experience produces a fairly lasting and adaptive change in behaviour (Passer et al., 2009). Classical conditioning is the process of learning by association which signals the approaching arrival of a significant event. It involves pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus (US) that will elicit an unconditioned response (UR). With repeated pairings, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus (CS) that evokes a conditioned response (CR) similar to the original UR (Passer et al., 2009).…
as the simplest methods, while operant conditioning is seen to be more instrumental, so each of these…
Explain the relationships between motivation, emotion, and behavior. How does emotion affect motivation? Give an example of a specific behavior and the motivators and emotions that can be behind that behavior. Your response should be at least 300 hundred words.…
(1st post) Classical conditioning is learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus becomes paired with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response (Carpenter &Huffman, 2010, p.144). Operant conditioning is learning in which voluntary responses are controlled by their consequences (Carpenter & Huffman, 2010, p.149). My parents influenced me best by operant conditioning. When I did well and work hard on something they used reinforcement; a consequence that strengthens a response and makes it more likely to recur (Carpenter & Huffman, 2010, p.149) to encourage me to keep doing well. When I did something I wasn’t supposed to do or just straight out misbehaved they used punishment; a consequence that weakens a response and makes it less likely to recur (Carpenter & Huffman, 2010, p.149) to get me to act right and do what I was supposed to do.…
Explain the relationships between motivation, emotion, and behavior. How does emotion affect motivation? Give an example of a specific behavior and the motivators and emotions that can be behind that behavior. Your response should be at least 300 hundred words Motivation can be defined as the driving force behind all the actions of an individual. The influence of an individual's needs and desires both have a strong impact on the direction of their behavior. Motivation is based on your emotions and achievement-related goals. There are different forms of motivation including extrinsic, intrinsic, physiological, and achievement motivation. There are also more negative forms of motivation. Achievement motivation can be defined as the need for success or the attainment of excellence. Individuals will satisfy their needs through different means, and are driven to succeed for varying reasons both internal and external. Motivation is the basic drive for all of our actions. Motivation refers to the dynamics of our behavior, which involves our needs, desires, and ambitions in life. Achievement motivation is based on reaching success and achieving all of our aspirations in life. Achievement goals can affect the way a person performs a task and represent a desire to show competence (Harackiewicz, Barron, Carter, Lehto, & Elliot, 1997). These basic physiological motivational drives affect our natural behavior in different environments. Most of our goals are incentive-based and can vary from basic hunger to the need for love and the establishment of mature sexual relationships. Our motives for achievement can range from biological needs to satisfying creative desires or realizing success in competitive ventures. Motivation is important because it affects our lives every day. All of our behaviors, actions, thoughts, and beliefs are influenced by our inner…
There are two main different between classical conditioning and operant conditioning. The first one is (classical conditioning) forms associations between stimuli (Cs and US). (Operant conditioning) forms an association between behaviors and the resulting events. The second one is (classical conditioning) involves respondent behavior that occurs as an automatic response to a certain stimulus.( Operant conditioning) involves operant behavior, a behavior that operates on the environment, producing rewarding or punishing…
The operant and classical conditioning are two types of behavioral conditioning. Conditioning is actually a type of learning. First, one must distinguish between the two types to gain essential understanding when discussing how they can be used. Classical conditioning, as described by Ivan Pavlov, is where an unnatural stimulus can cause a natural reaction or reflex. His study introduced a bell when food was presented to a dog to produce the saliva reflex [ (Kowalski, 2009) ]. Later he used the bell without presenting the food and still received the salivation reflex [ (Kowalski, 2009) ]. The dog had learned to associate the sound of the bell with meal time. In essence, classical conditioning or learning is learning based on an outside stimulus. Operant conditioning, as described by Edward Thorndike, is where a spontaneous event leads to a desired result. Thorndike put a hungry cat in a latched box with food in its sight [ (Kowalski, 2009) ]. As the cat moved around the cage, it spontaneously tripped the latch to release the lock to release it, and then it could eat [ (Kowalski, 2009) ]. When placed in the same situation later on the cat could repeat the result faster than before [ (Kowalski, 2009) ]. The cat had learned that it could do…
Classical conditioning refers to the involuntary responses that result from experiences that occur before a response. It occurs when you learn to associate two different stimuli. It involves a stimulus which has no affect and it is called the neutral stimulus. The neutral stimulus can be a person, place, or thing. The neutral stimulus, in classical conditioning, does not produce a response until it is paired with the unconditioned stimulus.…
Operant conditioning, also known as instrumental conditioning, is a form of learning that utilizes a specific stimulus to result a voluntary response from the subject. 278 The only difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning is the type of response. Both forms of conditioning has a stimulus that produces a response, however, unlike operant conditioning, classical conditioning produces an involuntary response to an unconditioned stimulus 281.Within operant conditioning, there is reinforcement. To put it in simple terms reinforcement is a reward 281. The reinforcement is there to increase the chances for an specific action to be repeated each time the certain stimulus is provided. However, reinforcement can also be utilized…
The idea of classical condition is one of the most notable learning techniques because it involves a stimulus rewarded for a certain response. Naturally, animals and human have unconditioned stimulus that triggers an unconditioned response. The most common connection is the correlation between food and salivation. Food naturally draws organism to it in order to satisfy a drive created by hunger to acquire homeostasis. A response is created because of the organism’s reaction to food, which is usually salivation. Classical conditioning is considered an effective way to train an organism to learn habits not naturally associated with certain unconditioned stimulus. This creates a conditioned stimulus. The once unconditioned response is now conditioned to respond to the conditioned stimulus, which is called a conditioned stimulus. An example of conditioned stimulus and response is the example of associating the school bell with food. Children are hungry by nature, but when the school bell is added, the children are reinforced to associate the school bell with lunchtime. Classical…
Memories, take that in for a moment really think, what are memories? Memories are sometimes very vague, or other times they are the most descriptive moving or still images in your head, taking you back to a time or place that was either horrific or outstanding. For me, a memory that sticks in my head is a culmination of the best times I have ever had. Some of my fondest memories came from my twenty fifteen football season.…
Next, the definition of Classical and Operant Conditioning will be given and analyzed to underlines differences and to demonstrate why is important to know how certain behaviours can be achieved.…
To begin with, classical conditioning is one of the theories used in behavioral exercise presenting stimulus connected with a response. A neutral stimulus is linked with natural occurring stimulus. Also classical conditioning is a kind of learning that deals with behaviorism. Physiologist Ivan Pavlov from Russia mentioned that “classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus” (Cherry Kendra, 2014). Behaviorism is focused on the idea that learning comes with environmental interactions.…