Remembering, Feeling, and Thinking Worksheet
Part I: Motivation, Emotion, and Behavior
Explain the relationships between motivation, emotion, and behavior. How does emotion affect motivation? Give an example of a specific behavior and the motivators and emotions that can be behind that behavior. Your response should be at least 300 hundred words.
Motivation is the driving force behind all of our actions and behavior as individuals. The influences of an individual’s needs and desires have strong impacts on the direction of their behavior. Motivation is based on our emotions and achievement-related goals. Achievement motivation can be defined as the need for success and attaining our goals, and feeling more accomplished. Motivation is the basic drive for all of our actions. Motivation refers to the purpose of our behavior, which involves our needs, desires, and ambitions in our lives. These physiological motivations drive our natural behavior in different environments. Most of our goals are incentive-based and can vary from basic hunger to the need for love and the establishment of mature sexual relationships. Motivation is important because it establishes the basic functions to keep us going in our every day lives. All of our behaviors, actions, thoughts, and beliefs are influenced by our inner motivation.
Emotion affects our motivation in many ways. For example, there are many people in society who have a fear of failure. We all have our own idea of what we consider failure to be. However, the thought of not obtaining self-actualization in whatever aspect, is a fear we all experience in some capacity. Due to this emotion, we as mankind are motivated to achieve personal goals on a daily basis, in hopes of reaching the high level of hierarchy to self- actualization.
An Example of a specific behavior that is motivated by our emotions would be a disorder such as anorexia. What motivates the behavior of someone
References: Carpenter, S. and Huffman, K. (2010). Visualizing Psychology (2nd ed.).