The problem with this technique is that the material that the individual is desiring to learn only sustains in one’s short term memory. To avoid this dilemma and poor study etiquette a student should distribute their study material over a certain period of days and go back or rehearse previously learned material the next day. The behavior that is desired to be decreased is the all nighters. The problem with an all nighters is that all the material that is to be learned is being forced to be learned in one night or a few hours, in which in one perspective is punishing yourself. Further leading, the student to not learn the material in good quality. To prevent this bad behavior one must use negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement is taking away a stimulus or certain object that will most likely increase the probability of that certain behavior to occur and in this case, distributed studying. For the student to advance in distributed studying, they may have to find the root of the problem. All nighters are the usually the result of procrastination. Now the procrastination may have been resulted from either surfing the web for too long or just the thought of unavoidable failure. Usually, when a subject is difficult or even deemed as boring, a student will avoid the subject and most likely perform an all nighters. This results them to resort to utilize their smartphones, therefore procrastinating
The problem with this technique is that the material that the individual is desiring to learn only sustains in one’s short term memory. To avoid this dilemma and poor study etiquette a student should distribute their study material over a certain period of days and go back or rehearse previously learned material the next day. The behavior that is desired to be decreased is the all nighters. The problem with an all nighters is that all the material that is to be learned is being forced to be learned in one night or a few hours, in which in one perspective is punishing yourself. Further leading, the student to not learn the material in good quality. To prevent this bad behavior one must use negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement is taking away a stimulus or certain object that will most likely increase the probability of that certain behavior to occur and in this case, distributed studying. For the student to advance in distributed studying, they may have to find the root of the problem. All nighters are the usually the result of procrastination. Now the procrastination may have been resulted from either surfing the web for too long or just the thought of unavoidable failure. Usually, when a subject is difficult or even deemed as boring, a student will avoid the subject and most likely perform an all nighters. This results them to resort to utilize their smartphones, therefore procrastinating