Trait Descriptive Adjectives – Words that describe traits, attributes of a person that are reasonably characteristic of an individual and perhaps even enduring over time.
Personality – The set of psychological traits and mechanisms within the individual that are organized and relatively enduring and that influence their interactions with and adaptations to, the environment (including intrapsychic, physical and social environment).
Psychological Traits – Characteristics that describe ways in which people are unique or different from or similar to each other.
Average Tendencies – Tendency to display certain psychological traits with regularity.
Psychological Mechanisms – Similar to traits, except that mechanisms …show more content…
A recent study of twins has concluded that there is a strong heritable component in GID.
Shared Environment Influences – Features of the environment that siblings share; for example, me, the number of books in a the presence or absence of a TV and VCR, quality and quantity of food in the home, the values and attitudes of the parent, and the schools, church, synagogue, or temple the parent send the children to.
Non-Shared Environment Influences – Features of the environment that siblings do not share. Some children might et special or different treatments from their parents, they might have different groups of friends, they might be sent to different schools, or one might go to summer camp while the other stays home each summer. These features are called nonshared because they are experienced differently by different siblings.
Genotype-Environment Interaction – The differential response of individuals with different genotypes to the same