
Ap Synthesis Essay Museum

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Ap Synthesis Essay Museum
Museums are a perfect way to represent what history has unfolded for the public’s eye. Consideration needs to be made when a person is shopping for fragments of history such as arts or artifacts. A main consideration is profit; however, there are consequences if the museums does not make enough money. If a museum does not make enough money, this could suggest that people are not interested in taking tours throughout the museums anymore,the new age of technology is taking over. What happens after the museums cannot keep their wonderful art? The art perhaps gets auctioned off to a wealthy person, and they could possibly leave it in his or her house, to collect dust. People(s) who buy art for their museum(s) are interested in profit, oddities …show more content…
The people(s) who are securing a new work of art or an artifact must first think if that piece of art or artifact will make a customer come back to the museum or even attract new customers. Source A conveys that, “Some trustees strongly advocated continuing to collect the work of emerging contemporary artists while carefully culling the collection its less outstanding holdings to finance new acquisitions.” Separation of good and bad art must come in the trustees mind because customers who come into the museum pay to see the art they like or have an interest in. The trustees believe that carefully choosing a piece of history is important; they could consider the new emergences of artists might even make better art than artists decades ago. Perhaps old art cost more than contemporary art , however there could be art that is worth more than …show more content…
Biological oddities are organisms that have something strange about them, for example, three eyes, four legs, or even two heads. What better way to attract customers than showing them something they have never seen before? Something that people most likely have never seen before in the 1800’s is a collection of animals that have deformities. Charles W. Peale would be the exact person who you would visit in the 1800’s if you were interested in seeing collections of mutilated animals in which he called a “zoo” (Source B). Additionally, source B asserts Charles Peale was not only a collector of fascinating specimen, but also a portrait painter; his speciality was showing people that there were animals called oddities that people thought were not even possible. The collection of animal that have oddities will surely make people gaze upon those animals and that is how, Charles Peale gained success other than his own art

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