Politics and Government Matter
A. Government impacts your everyday life
1. schools are prohibited against discrimination
2. driving, drinking, and voting ages
3. social security numbers and taxes
4. minimum wage
5. school holidays
6. gas prices
7. discrimination as a consumer
B. Political Disengagement
1. many people are apathetic towards politics
2. as of 2005, only 36% of college freshman keep up with politics
a) american youth are less likely to be informed of political events
b) Generation X holds the future, but are not well informed
c) this has lowered the national percentage of those who vote
A. institutions that make authoritative decisions for society collectively is known as government B. Roles of government include
1. maintain a national defense
a) governments protect national sovereignty by maintaining armed forces b) since 9/11 the defense budget has substantially increased
2. provide public services
a) schools
b) libraries
c) weather forecasting
d) highways
e) public parks
f) public goods
3. preserve order
a) every government must have a way to preserve order in cases of outbreak, protest, etc...
b) ex. National Guard
4. socialize the young
a) most modern governments pay for education (public schools)
b) foster patriotism and love for the country
(1) Pledge of Allegiance
5. collect taxes
a) taxes pay for the public goods and services provided by the government III.
A. determine whom we select as our governmental leaders
1. “Who gets what, when, and how,” Laswell
B. Media
1. media focuses on the who of politics
C. political participation
1. voter turnout
a) fairly poor in the U.S.
2. Single issue groups
a) groups focused entirely on a single political issue
b) vote on candidates based on where candidate stands on the issue and no other aspects
The Policymaking System
A. people shape policy
1. public