(a) Condemned legal and social privileges of aristocrats
(b) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract f. Equality not extended to women, peasants, laborers, slaves, or people of color g. Ideals of Enlightenment were significant global influence B. The American Revolution 3. Tension between Britain and the North American colonies h. Legacy of Seven Years' War: British debt, North American tax burden i. Mounting colonial protest over taxes, trade policies, Parliamentary rule
(a) Colonial boycott of British goods
(b) Attacks on British officials; Boston Tea Party, 1773 j. Political protest over representation in Parliament: Continental Congress, 1774 k. British troops and colonial militia skirmished at the village of Lexington, 1775 4. The Declaration of Independence, 4 July 1776 l. Thirteen united States of America severed ties with Britain m. Declaration inspired by Enlightenment and Locke's theory of government 5. The American Revolution, 1775-1781 n. British advantages: strong government, navy, army, plus loyalists in colonies o. American advantages: European allies, George Washington's leadership p. Weary of a costly conflict, British forces