Buddhism- India, no caste system, egalitarian, Siddhartha Gautama, missionaries, Nirvana, Eight fold path, four noble truths, Enlightenment
Christianity-Monotheistic, Jesus, Bible, Jerusalem, Missionaries, Heaven and Hell
2. Domestication of Animals, Complex societies, Specialization, Cities, Government, Religion, Record Keeping, Social Classes, Technology
3. Located near rivers, Agriculture, irrigation, Rulers, social hierarchy,
4. Development of Agriculture and Domestication
5. Democracy, Representative, voting, Senate, ruler
6. Buddhism- Zen Buddhism, Filial Piety,
Hinduism-not syncretic
Christianity-Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Lutheran
7. Size, Bureaucracies, Emphasis on Family, Roads, Religions, Han-Confucianism, Rome-Christianity,
8. Nomadic, Clans, Wars over oasis, no central religion, Chiefs of clans,
9. Pray every day towards Mecca, Alms giving, Hajj to Mecca, fasting, Declaration of Faith
10. In Arabian peninsula spread through trade and missionaries, contagious
11. Sense of Unity, peace among the clans, sacred texts were stored
12. Housewives
13. Each invasion caused the capital to move north
16. Missionaries
17. Started to decline
18. Many were animistic, salt as a substitute for gold
19. Christian, rich due to slaves
20. United the people
21. Arabian Peninsula, Red or Black sea,
22. Barter
23. Major trade routes influenced Kiev Russia
24. Structures, law codes, bureaucracy
25. Patriarch held power, rituals, priest celibacy, orthodox priests could marry, excommunication each other in 1054
26. Similar to china, emperor ordained by god, head of church and state, practiced lay investiture, women held imperial throne (exe Empress Theodora and Zoe), byzantine bureaucrats recruited from all classes, recruited troops, empire depended on Constantinople
27. Lost land, economic decline, Constantinople